Why journalist Huu Danh was arrested? (part 1)

    Part 1: Being too hot spots, fearless!   Truong Chau Huu Danh is the only journalist to access and give information on the death penalty in an unjustly sentenced to death Ho Duy Hai from the investigation period…
Extraditing Ms. Ho Thi Kim Thoa back to Vietnam not easy

Recently, on social media, news about former Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Ho Thi Kim Thoa circulated on social media that she was arrested in France and was about to be sent back to Vietnam to take responsibility for…
IPA President: I admire Pham Doan Trang’s courage

On October 7, Vietnam’s Ministry of Public Security confirmed that it had “arrested” independent journalist Pham Doan Trang in District 3, Ho Chi Minh City on October 6. The short announcement posted on the ministry’s Electronic Information Portal said that…