How is Police chief To Lam destroying organized corruption system of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong?

The agency coded C03 of Vietnam’s Ministry of Public Security in recent days has probed and arrested a series of leaders and former leaders of Vinh Phuc and Quang Ngai provinces.

Notably, Vinh Phuc became the second locality, after Lam Dong province, to have incumbent Secretary-Chairman duo detained. Although, according to rumors, these two senior officials, Secretary and Chairman, have a fierce conflict.

These two characters are Hoang Thi Thuy Lan – Secretary of the provincial Party Committee, and Le Duy Thanh – Deputy Secretary of the provincial Party Committee cum Chairman of the People’s Committee of Vinh Phuc province. Both were probed for the crime of “Receiving bribes” specified in Clause 4, Article 354, Criminal Code, related to Phuc Son Group.

In Lam Dong province, tycoon Nguyen Cao Tri – the boss of the Dai Ninh super project, also helped a number of key officials of this province to go to jail.

According to observers, at the end of 2023 and the first months of 2024, Minister of Public Security To Lam consecutively arrested key figures in the Vietnamese political system. Notably, there are many characters who are considered to have a close relationship with General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong of the ruling Communist Party.

With a high frequency of prosecution and arrest, continuously without stopping, with a series of officials who are provincial Party secretaries of the provinces, such as: Trinh Van Chien (Thanh Hoa), Le Duc Tho (Ben Tre), Tran Duc Quan (Lam Dong), Nguyen Nhan Chien (Bac Ninh), Hoang Thi Thuy Lan (Vinh Phuc), and the arrest list will certainly continue to grow.

Ignoring the “malicious” assessments of public opinion, wanting to deepen the contradiction, saying that To Lam is trying to “win the throne and position” of General Secretary Trong. Obviously, officials in general and provincial Party secretaries in particular, if they are clean and untainted, how can the Ministry of Public Security find excuses to arrest them?

According to analysts, since the 12th National Congress in 2016, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam is only the shadow of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong. Whatever General Secretary Trong “says,” the Central Committee members must consider it as a resolution. What he wrote, the propaganda machine immediately inflated into a “holy edict.”

The party Central Committee, with 200 official and alternate members, was once praised as the “elite” and the “elite leadership” class of the Party, now living in the mood of “alternate criminals.” Most have been “dipped in” and dipped very deeply. They don’t know when it will be their turn to be “arrested” like their exposed comrades.

That means, Trong’s anti-corruption work is just a game of corrupt officials who have not been exposed “playing to catch” those who have been exposed.

The Party’s leadership principle is “democratic centralism,” in the spirit of collective leadership and individual responsibility. But since the 12th National Congress in 2016, with Beijing’s support, this principle has been thrown into the trash. All important decisions of the party, including personnel appointments, are made by General Secretary Trong alone.

Trong has absolute power in the party, and once “absolute power will lead to absolute corruption.” At the same time, that is also the flaw leading to the irreversible failure of the Communist Party of Vietnam in general and Trong in particular, at the present time.

Never before has there been a situation within the Communist Party of Vietnam where cadres run for power, “buying officials and selling positions” publicly, as seriously in his time as the party chief.


A closed process full of sins: Spending money to buy positions – corruption to get back investment – continuing to buy seats with higher power – more corruption… has clearly formed and become a spiral, collecting attracts so many moths to their deaths.

The above process is so serious that all leading officials at all levels of the party know that sooner or later, they will go to jail. But, those moths are fearless. They still close their eyes to corruption with the blind philosophy: “If you have bad luck, you have to accept it, if you have real luck, you don’t have to be fear.” That is, Communist Party members considered being a leader as a gamble, if they win they win, if they lose they accept it.

General Secretary Trong’s personnel organization, until today, has clearly fallen into a serious crisis. The number of Central Committee members and senior leaders, who have been hand in hand in prison in recent years, is large in both number and size of title.

During nearly three terms as General Secretary, Mr. Trong selected and arranged personnel to create conditions for widespread corruption among local leaders. They all use the motto “What ever people live or die, the money is in our pocket”./.


Tra My –