Vietnam police not hesitating to use illegal tools in cases they cannot use law

Arbitrarily arresting Mr. Nguyen Cao Tri but publicizing the detention seven months late

On August 5, Vietnam’s Ministry of Public Security announced that it had arrested Nguyen Cao Tri for appropriating $40 million from Ms. Truong My Lan. It is worth mentioning that on January 15, 2023 Mr. Tri was arrested, but the Ministry of Public Security still did not make an official announcement. Therefore, for a long time, about 7 months, the state-controlled media reported that Nguyen Cao Tri went “missing” and many people to believe that he has fled abroad.

The announcement of Mr. Nguyen Cao Tri’s arrest right after his arrest would be a simple job, why doesn’t the Ministry of Public Security do it? Announcing the arrest after more than a half year of the actual detention is a disregard for the proceedings, disregard for the law. At this stage, if few people know, or even no one knows, that Mr. Tri is arrested, the protection of Mr. Tri’s interests is not guaranteed, for example, not hiring a defense lawyer, or supervising the proceedings are not respected. In these 7 months, because not many people know, the police side very easily used the tricks of coercion and corporal punishment against the accused.

The story of the police becoming more and more abusive and illegal is not a recent occurrence, but has been around for a long time. The story of the police arresting people or using thugs to severely injure dissidents, is something they have done for a long time. It seems that the police act according to the motto “what can’t be used by the law, use the law of the jungle,” not “for the sake of the country to forget itself, for the people to serve.”

This country is the powerhouse of slogans. They put out all sorts of slogans, but they don’t do them without benefiting the Party. The country and its people are put behind the Communist Party by the Communist Party. Every time the President gives a New Year’s speech, he shouts out “The whole Party, the people, and our army…”, no matter who is on this position. The party must stand above the people.

The police were set up to “defend the regime to the end“, with the slogan “The People’s police only speaks about the party’s existing,” not “for the sake of the country, to forget itself, for the people to serve”.

The law in this country was created for the Party to use as a tool to govern the people, for those people who have done nothing wrong with the law, but the Party still wants to punish, it is inevitable that they must step on the law.

Kidnapping is illegal, yet the Ministry of Public Security uses a secret budget to raise a powerful force to infiltrate the overseas Vietnamese community to spy, detect and inform. If it is called law enforcement, but has a policy of breaking the law, whether secretly or openly, that force does not deserve to be called a “law enforcement force.”

For dissidents (which the Communist government calls “reactionaries“), the police do not use the law, which has long been familiar. However, now that the Ministry of Public Security despises the proceedings against ordinary defendants, not dissidents, it can be said that the forces under Mr. To Lam are increasingly abusive.

Currently, the evil of the Police cannot be prevented, because according to the information we have, the state-controlled press system is designated to always protect the police. Even if the police do anything wrong, the press always has a duty to cover it up. This is an extremely dangerous policy, which has promoted the lawlessness of the police sector.

In 2015, the press also reported that, in 3 years, up to 226 people died in detention camps and held at police stations. However, after that, numbers like these disappeared from the press.

If the press speaks out, the police may even hesitate, but when the press is instructed to conceal it, police abuses will escalate without end. Therefore, if anyone is caught by the police, it is considered that he has fallen into the swamp, into the tiger’s mouth, and is not protected by anyone. (Translated)