Justice for power is justice against the country!

The Communist Party still considers the judiciary as a tool of the Party, there is no reform

In the previous newsletters, we talked about the money-based justice system in Vietnam. Why is justice for money harming the people? Because, money distorts justice, causes the judiciary to arbitrarily impose more crimes on minor offenders, and relieves criminals who commit felonies. Since then, it has caused many unjust judgments. Such a judiciary harms the people worse than any enemy of the people.

From the day the Communist Party took power, they seemed to come out of a cave, out of a prehistoric man’s hole. They don’t know anything about the proceedings, they don’t understand anything about justice, so they can’t do it right. During the Land Reform period, launched by Communist leader Ho Chi Minh, was the most barbaric period of Vietnamese society in modern times. There was no need to go through any legal process, there was no need for investigation and trial, as long as someone stood up to denounce the victim’s arrest, corporal punishment, or even execution. The behavior of a state that was like a group of forest people who had not yet known civilization. It was awful.

In this newsletter, we will cover a judiciary for power. It was created, arrested, and convicted on orders from above, not in compliance with any due process. Maybe, the process is just a show to have only. There are the investigation and the defense, etc… however, the judgment is not based on a fair investigation result, but the judgment is made by order of superiors. This type of case is called a “pocket sentence.”

In democratic countries, there is no kind of allegations “against the Party, against the state.” In a civilized society, the party is just an association of political people. The Party only has the role of providing human resources for the state apparatus, in elected positions only. The party is not allowed to interfere in state affairs.

Social criticism, criticism of the government, is also a kind of power, it sharpens, causes governments to change, for the country to progress, to limit the mistakes of the leadership. The more democratic a country is, the more progressive it is.

However, with the Communist state of Vietnam, they do not accept social critics. Anyone who dares to dig up the evils of the government, it is the people who are blacklisted by the Communist Party, and seek to eliminate.

The task of eliminating social critics is assigned to the police, courts, prosecutors and even propaganda system. The removal of critics brings peace of mind to the Communist Party, but clearly, it is an act that harms the country and the people. Without criticism, there is no change, not limiting mistakes and finding solutions to correct and develop. That is why, the country of Vietnam continues to sink into poverty and backwardness, even though it has been “renovation” for 37 years.

The Communist Party often beats itself as “ingenious, wise“, however, in fact, whether it is an individual or an organization that is egotistical, thinks of itself as this or that, the organization or those individuals are just incompetent people. The so-called “wisdom” of the Communist Party, everyone can see clearly. From the ideology to the organization of the government apparatus, it is clear that it is no different from the feudal system.

Speaking of the judiciary, only a democratic society has an independent judiciary. Only an independent judiciary can limit the impact of money and power on the judicial system. But only when these two effects are limited, will the court have the opportunity to bring justice to the defendants or victims.

Justice for power, is the justice that removes the pressure for the government to change for the better. That is the reason why society refuses to develop, the country refuses to develop like Vietnam today. As long as the Communist Party rules, on that day, the judiciary is still only a tool of the powerful individuals. The country will never be able to develop.

Thoibao.de (Translated)